Signs and symptoms of premature labor
What are the Signs and Symptoms of Premature Labor

The signs of premature labor are intense contractions and leakage of fluids. The symptoms of premature labors need to be immediately addressed so as to avoid complications. Labor is a crucial period for every pregnant woman. It signals the birth of your new born baby. However, labor is also at times riddled with various complications that can make this experience very hassling for you. The most complication situation that can arise in labor is premature labor and it happens before the 37 weeks of pregnancy are over. It is also known as preterm labor and babies born after preterm labor are termed premature or preterm babies. Preterm babies can face troubles such as lifelong health deficits, difficulty in breathing and they are also suspect to infections such as jaundice or pneumonia. Do not ignore these signs and symptoms of premature labor and see a medical practitioner or your obstetrician/gynaecologist if you experience any of the below mentioned symptoms of preterm labor during pregnancy.
Contractions Contractions usually happen in the final stages of pregnancy. But if you are experiencing these contractions with an increased frequency, it might be the sign of premature labor. Contractions are like a tight knot in the stomach and they go away after some time. However, contractions during premature labor do not go away with lying around or change of position.
Pelvic Pressure Although you will experience some pelvic pressure in the final stages of your pregnancy, if the pressure is too much, it may be a symptom of premature labor. Pelvic pressure means that the baby is pushing down and might be born preterm.
Fluid Leakage If there is a sudden increase in the amount of vaginal discharge then you should immediately report this to your doctor. Another sign of premature labor is the discharge of bright red blood or clear discharge. The fluid may start leaking because of the opening of the mouth of the vagina, also known as the cervix.
Cramps Cramps that feel similar to your menstrual cramps may be a symptom of the onset of preterm labor. They may feel like a bad stomach ache but they can be the beginning of premature labor. These cramps also do not go away after some time.
Lower Back Pain If you feel like your back is aching a lot and you find it difficult to move or sit, consult a doctor. Along with the pain, you might also feel increasing pressure in the lower back area. It will seem similar to carrying a heavy weight.
Baby Movement If there is noticeable change in the movement of the baby, then it may be a sign of premature labor and delivery (childbirth). If you sense that the baby is pushing downwards then do not ignore it.
Other signs and symptoms of Premature Labor. 1. Dizziness and blurring of vision 2. Appearance of spots or blurred vision 3. Headache, fever or chills 4. Unanticipated swelling of the feet and hands with pain and discomfort
Do not ignore even a mild change in your body once you are in the third trimester of pregnancy. A preterm labor has to be handled with a lot of caution and delay in medical attention may cause irreparable damage to the mother and baby.