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There are three types of diabetes:

Type I, Type II, and Gestational diabetes(affects females during pregnancy). Here I would like to draw your attention mainly for type I and type II diabetes.



Type I DM Insulin dependent Diabetes mellitus Juvenile Diabetes

Type II DM Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus Adult onset diabetes



Type I DM Pancrea’s failure to produce insulin

Type II DM Pancreatic cells fail to respond to insulin properly, lack of insulin development.



Type I DM Unknown

Type II DM Excessive body weight, lack of exercise



Type I DM Develop rapidly (weeks or months)

Type II DM

Develop slowly may be subtle or absent Common symptoms: Weight loss Polyuria (increased urination) Polydipsia (increased thirst) Polyphagia (increased hunger) Blurring vision Headache Fatigue Slow healing of wounds Itchy skin Tingling, numbness in feet or toes



Type I DM Not known

Type II DM Maintaining normal body weight Physical exercise Healthy diet



Type I DM Use of insulin Exercise Diabetic diet

Type II DM Oral Medications + Insulin Exercise

Diabetic diet

If diabetes is not treated properly on time then it could lead to high blood pressure which in turn causes kidney failure. Read LETHAL RELATIONSHIP AMONG DIABETES, HYPERTENSION AND KIDNEY FAILURE for more details on this.

About Author : Dr. Keshav Sahu, M.B.B.S (Sangli)


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